
Why India for Agriculture Technology?

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  • Why India for Agriculture Technology?

Leading Producer of Agriculture

Agriculture image

Fisheries & Aquaculture Production

Agriculture image

Tea Production

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Wheat Production

Agriculture image

Spice Production & Export

Agriculture image

Fruit & Vegetable Production

Agriculture image

Rice Export

Agriculture image

Milk Production

Agriculture image

Production of Pulses

Emerging Food Processing
Technology Hub


Value of India’s food processing sector


Processed food exports in 2022-23


Exports of dairy machinery in 2022-23


Average Annual Growth over past 5 years


exports of machinery for industrial preparation of F&B in 2022-23


Indian Food Processing & Technology market by 2024-25


Share in India’s total food market


Share in GDP through manufacturing


Investment outlay for PLI Scheme in Food Processing Industry


Value of India’s food processing sector

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